Shevchenka str., 87A
Lychakivska str
Skorika str, 29
Hlyboka str., 4
Parodent USА
+1 (623) 398 68 08Parodent CAN
416-201-4440The network of dental clinics “Parodent” is working with a dental tech laboratory from Germany that has it’ s branch in the city of Lviv. Our dentists have an extensive experience in fabricating all kinds of fixed and removable prosthetics/ partial dentures: crowns, inlays and onlays, veneers, “bridges”, different designs of rwmovable metal-base partial dentures. During the time that the permanent fixed dental prosthesis is being fabricated we have the patient wear temporary crowns. High-noble gold containing dental alloys used for the framework of the fixed partial dentures (“bridges”) are anti-corrosive and have a better adaptation to the tooth struture than the traditional cobalt-chrome containing alloys. In addition to that, they give a pleasant warm hue to the porcelaine, and in the area of contact with the gum the gold-containing alloy does not produce the appearance of the dark line, and the crown has a very natural looks. Besides the traditional porcelaine fused to metal type we offer metal-free crowns which posess not only high esthetics due to their nature of light reflection but also high precisionof adaptationto the tooth structure thanks ro the technology used in manufacturing them. Similar “metal-free” or all-ceramic technology are used in dental prosthetics and implants used with tissue preserving methods in replacing anterior teeth. It is not always necessary to crown the tooth to correct it’s shape and the shade. The veneers or laminates can be used in those esthetic cases, which are thin lab made layers of ceramic/porcelaine placed on slightly prepared front surface of the tooth without the need to prepare other surfaces.
Metal-free ceramics:
the most contemporary and highly esthetic method used in prosthodontics which combines high strength and esthetics. As it is known nowadays, high esthetics, strength and biocompatibility of the ceramics make this material ideal for restoring both the front and back teeth. This new technology was introduced to is by European dental materials manufacturers. The crowns made of zirconia are equal if not higher in strength than the porcelaine fused to metal ones, and by esthetics they are usually superior to them
Uses of zirconia oxide:
Zirconia oxide in used in manufacturing of:
Zirconia oxide has tooth-colored shades, which allows for the optimal imitation of the natural tooth shade, unlike the metal base used in porcelaine fused to metal fixures. In order to block out the metal under the porcelaine, the opaquer is used , which is a layer of a dense ceramic material. Porcelaine fused to metal construction does not let the light go through which results in the lack of depth of translucency, and absence of the semi-translucent area next to the gumline as we see in a natural tooth, so the gumline in the cervical area of the tooth with a porcelaine fused to base metal crown looks darker. In manufacturing of zirconia based crowns the framework /coping for the crown is tooth colored, and different shades of porcelaine layears can be added to the front side of it, resulting in superb esthetics closely mimicking natural teeth.
Crowns made from pressed ceramics
What are the advantages of metal-free pressed ceramics?
First of all, due to it’s translucency and transparency metal-free pressed ceramics offers excellent esthetics. Another advantage is the highest precision of fit to the margins of prepared tooth, which gives dentists the opportunity to prepare the teeth above the gum level. A combination of these features makes using metal -free pressed ceramics very attractive.
Metal -free crowns offer excellent esthetics, strength, durability and a natural shade of the teeth and gums
Veneers are ceramic laminates of 0.4-0.8mm thickness that are used for the front teeth for esthetics in cases where the tooth structure is partially damaged or discolored. They give us the possibility to achieve needed shape and shade, while at the same time protecting the covered part the tooth. As a result you can have a dazzling smile without having deeper tooth structures prepared. Veneers are made for mostly esthetic cases according to patient’s request for the shade and the shape of the tooth (within the limits of patient’s occlusion). This way we can achieve great esthetics, the least amount of irritation of the tooth during bonding of the veneers, along with durability for the long term.
What are the cases qualifying for veneers?
Using veneers in dentistry allows achieving high esthetics in cases of surface defects and shade changes of the toot:
Veneers do not require any special oral hygiene care since routine daily oral hygiene with a toothbrush and floss the same way we recommend caring for the natural teeth preserves good looks of veneers for many years.
Ceramic inlays/ onlays
With technical progress in manufacturing of dental ceramics the opportunity arose to replace bulky restorations( fillings) with inlays/onlays. There are significant differences between a filling and an inlay/ onlay:
The advantages of dental inlays/onlays: