Healthy body needs healthy teeth. Even though caries captures most of the people, a bigger amount of them ignore the process till it reaches the pulp (neurovascular bundle) and causes a severe pain. Infection and inflammation of pulp (pulpitis) are the reasons of this pain, then tissues surrounding tooth apex are affected (periodontitis).
The endodontist is treating such complications. We perform both standard and advanced endodontic manipulations, including retreatment of previously treated teeth. «Parodent» Dental Chain is equipped with endodontic microscope, without its treatment of complimentary root canals is impossible. With the help of an endo-microscope, broken instruments can be eliminated also. We use modern endo-devices for instrumentation and medication of the root canal system.
High-quality obturation of the root canal is rather important. We use System B and Obtura to fill the root canal. After treatment X-Ray is needed.